Multilanguage website with Nuxt.js
- Install nuxt-i18n module
- Edit nuxt.config.js
- Create translation content folders structure
- Translate global content
- Translate pages content
- Use translation strings
- Multilanguage links
- Language switcher
1. Install nuxt-i18n module
npm install -P nuxt-i18n
2. Edit nuxt.config.js
Add and configure the module in the 'modules' section of yout nuxt.config.js. You can find all the options and documentation here.
modules: [
locales: [
code: 'en',
iso: 'en-US',
name: 'English',
file: 'en/en.js'
code: 'it',
iso: 'it-IT',
name: 'Italian',
file: 'it/it.js'
code: 'de',
iso: 'de',
name: 'German',
file: 'de/de.js'
code: 'es',
iso: 'es',
name: 'Spanish',
file: 'es/es.js'
defaultLocale: 'en',
strategy: 'prefix',
langDir: 'assets/content/',
lazy: true,
rootRedirect: 'en/',
detectBrowserLanguage: false,
vueI18n: {
fallbackLocale: 'en',
silentTranslationWarn: true
3. Create translation content folders structure
The folder 'assets/content/' will contain all translated content of the website.
For each language we'll have:
- a global/common set of translation strings (menu, header, footer, socials, common content)
- a specific translation file for every page in this website.
- content will be added in json files
Folders creation
- Create 'assets/content' folder
- For each language create the relative language folder inside it:
- 'assets/content/en'
- 'assets/content/it'
- 'assets/content/de'
- 'assets/content/es'
Inside each language folder there will be:
- the common lang file(en/en.js, it/it.js, de/de.js, es/es.js)
- the 'parts' folder that will contain a file foreach page of the project and that will be reference inside the components .vue files.
4. Translate global content
Option 1: Inside the common translation files of each lang directly write the json containing translations. You can use a plain key:value structure or organize strings in objects.
Example of 'en/en.js' file:
"social-vimeo-url": "",
"social-twitter-url": "",
"social-linkedin-url": "",
"forms": {
"intro-text": "Want more information?",
"name": "Name",
"surname": "Surname",
"company": "Company"
Option 2: Inside the common translation files of each lang (es. en/en.js) import tranlation content from other json files
import commonContent from './parts/common.json';
import socialsContent from './parts/socials.json';
import formsContent from './parts/forms.json';
export default {
5. Translate pages content
Create one file for each page in your project and reference it in the 'i18n' section of your .vue files, as follow:
Example of page-homepage.json:
"meta-title": "Berry meta title",
"meta-description": "Berry meta description",
"hero": {
"title": "Hi Berry!",
"text": "This website is great",
"button-video-url": "",
"button-video-text": "Watch the video",
"image-alt": "Image alt"
"intro": {
"title": "intro title",
"text": "intro text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit."
load translations inside index.vue:
i18n: {
messages: {
'en': require('~/assets/content/en/parts/page-homepage.json'),
'it': require('~/assets/content/it/parts/page-homepage.json'),
'de': require('~/assets/content/de/parts/page-homepage.json'),
'es': require('~/assets/content/es/parts/page-homepage.json')
6. Use translation strings
Inside template section:
<div class="intro">
<div class="intro__title">{{ $t('intro.title ')}}</div>
<div class="intro__text" v-html="$t('intro.text')"></div>
Inside data function:
hero: {
src: 'super-hero.jpg',
alt: this.$i18n.t('hero.image-alt'),
7. Multilanguage links
Now, inside the project, every internal link should have multilang href.
So, replace this:
<nuxt-link to="products-product1">
{{ $t('products.product1.linktext') }}
with this:
<nuxt-link :to="localePath('products-product1')">
{{ $t('products.product1.linktext') }}
8. Language switcher
This is a simple implementation of a language switcher
<nav id="header__langs-menu">
<ul class="menu">
<li v-for="item in locales" :key="item.code">
<nuxt-link :to="switchLocalePath(item.code)"
>{{ item.code }}</nuxt-link
data () {
return {
locales: this.$i18n.locales